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CA76NA - Potentiometric sodium analyzer for the monitoring of boiler feedwater, steam, condensate

Sodium analyzer CA76NA

Potentiometric system for the monitoring of boiler feedwater, steam, condensate and ion exchangers

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Price on request

Specifikációk áttekintése

  • Measuring range

    0.1 to 9999 µg/l (ppb) Na

  • Process temperature

    10 to 40 °C
    (50 to 104 °F)

  • Process pressure

    1 to 5 bar (abs)
    14.5 to 72.5 psi

Alkalmazási terület

Protect your water steam cycles and ion exchangers with the CA76NA sodium analyzer! An increase in sodium levels in high-purity or boiler feedwater indicates the presence of unwanted dissolved impurities. This can cause serious damage and consequently expensive repairs. CA76NA provides highly accurate online monitoring of water quality and enables fast detection of critical events. The sodium analyzer supports your preventive maintenance strategy to keep your power plant running.

The CA76NA sodium analyzer monitors low levels of sodium in the power industry and utilities:

  • Indication of the purity of water and steam used in boilers and turbines.

  • Provision of early warning for condenser leakages or malfunction of ion exchangers.

  • Control of the incoming water quality in power plants that use desalination plants as water source.


  • Protection of expensive plant equipments in the power industry: CA76NA sodium analyzer monitors low levels of sodium in water steam cycles detecting carryover and impurities in your power plant.

  • Early indication of condenser leaks via online sodium measurement after the condensate extraction pump.

  • Reduced operating costs thanks to low consumption of DIPA reagent and standard solution.

  • Precise measurement: Separate reference pH electrode for accurate temperature compensation and optimized pH value adjustment.

  • Optimized investment costs: One analyzer for up to six sample channels.

  • Perfect process adaptation: Individual selection of sample channels and freely adjustable measuring intervals.

  • Egyszerű termékek

  • Könnyen kiválasztható, telepíthető és kezelhető

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  • Alaptermékek

  • Megbízható, robusztus és kevés karbantartást igényel

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  • Felső kategóriás termékek

  • Rendkívül funkcionális és kényelmes

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  • Speciális termékek

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