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CCS51 analog free chlorine sensor

Analog free chlorine sensor CCS51

Sensor for drinking water, pool and process water as well as utilities in all industries

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Specifikációk áttekintése

  • Measuring range

    Trace: 0 to 5 mg/l HOCl
    Standard: 0 to 20 mg/l HOCl

  • Process temperature

    +0 to 55 °C (32 to 130°F), non-freezing

  • Process pressure

    1 bar (14.5 psi)

  • Measuring method

    - Closed, membrane covered measuring cell
    - Reduction of free chlorine at the cathode

Alkalmazási terület

CCS51 is a robust, low-maintenance sensor for free chlorine. It provides high-precision measurement with long-term stability in drinking water, pool and process water and ensures consistent disinfection monitoring even at low water volumes. The analog free chlorine sensor features extremely fast response times guaranteeing efficient process control and safe processes. CCS51 ensures continuity for the installed base of analog free chlorine measuring points.

CCS51 is an analog free chlorine sensor for skid builders and end customers. It measures reliably in:

  • Drinking water - to ensure reliable disinfection

  • Process water - for hygienic and safe packaging and bottling of products

  • Utilities - to detect the absence or presence of free chlorine

  • Pool water - to dose disinfectant efficiently


  • Fast response time (t90 < 25 s) provides accurate process view and enables prompt reaction to process changes as well as efficient process control.

  • Increased process safety: precise and long-term stable measurement ensures consistent process monitoring and allows for individually adapted disinfectant dosing.

  • The low-maintenance, amperometric sensor reduces the cost of ownership of the measuring point, particularly compared to colorimetric measuring systems.

  • Connection to the Liquisys chlorine transmitter ensures continuity for the installed base of analog free chlorine measuring points.

  • Egyszerű termékek

  • Könnyen kiválasztható, telepíthető és kezelhető

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  • Alaptermékek

  • Megbízható, robusztus és kevés karbantartást igényel

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  • Felső kategóriás termékek

  • Rendkívül funkcionális és kényelmes

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  • Speciális termékek

  • Nagy igénybevétellel járó alkalmazásokhoz tervezve

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